Welcome to MegaPirateNG
MegaPirateNG (in short MPNG) is a fork of the popular APM Autopilot Suite.
The goal is to support AllInOne IMU flight controller boards.
Including but not limited to:
- RCTimer Crius V2
- Crius V1 or compatible
- HobbyKing AllInOne Pro boards
- HobbyKing MultiWii Pro board with ITG3205 and BMA180, BMP085
- Black Vortex
- MultiWii PRO Ez3.0 Blacked MAG Editon Flight Controller (No compass)
- PARIS v5 Mega iOSD
- F4BY
Supported APM Autopilot Platforms and maintainers
- MegaPirateNG Hardware abstraction layer (SirAlex)
- APM:Copter (SirAlex)
- APM:Plane (smurfy)
- APM:Rover (no maintainer / no stable support)
- MissionPlanner/APM Planner 2 - use the official one
For almost all configuration and usage documentation the documentation provided by APM is valid for MegaPirateNG as-well, but MegaPirateNG specific configuration is documented here.
You find the official APM documentations here: